The Fear Factor

4:02 PM

Many of us run into situations which provide us with the opportunity (or is it ordeal?) to step into an unfamiliar territory. And many of us turn it down because of our mind says it is risky and the fear factor steps in. There is nothing abnormal about this. Almost all of us grew up in the environment where we are always asked to be careful. No one says 'Take the risk and face it squarely'.

There are many instances in life when we hesitate to start something, when we hesitate to end something, when we lose a job, or fear to be assertive even in situations that hurt us badly. We always think ' When I feel less afraid, I will go ahead with the plan'.

What we fail to realize is that unless we keep stepping out of our comfort zones (and in the process expand our zone of comfort), we will never grow. And each time we consider stepping out of the comfort zone, fear will grip us. There is nothing wrong in feeling the fear. But what makes us stagnant is doing nothing about it. The only way to overcome the fear is to go ahead and do what we fear. The moment we decide to take responsibility for the fear and handle it, it gives us a positive momentum to handle it and whats more, we are already doing something about the fear.


Mega said...

We should reach a stage, where there is nothing like fear. FEAR - False Evidences Appearing Real. Just do it!

Unknown said...

good one ! i sense lot of philosophical thoughts in all ur writings ;) !