A Tree's perspective

10:57 PM

Trees generally outlive a man's life time. (Err supposedly. Now they are cut down recklessly for various human comforts, unannounced). If there was a tree which had seen at least 3 generations of human life and supposing trees could think, what would the thoughts be. A walk down the road lined with trees on either sides made me think. I am trying to pry around a little and sneak into the tree's thoughts and try to do a guess of what it would be. I suppose it would be frowned upon as an a job of a totally jobless person and of someone who is a little unset in his/her brains, but an I think it would be an interesting exercise.

I suppose the trees would be surprised with the differences that are so stark today and the days some 2 or 3 generations back.

I think the first and foremost thing, the trees would be wondering would be what happened to the beings that were walking upright on two legs - whether they were replaced by some other funny things that move on four wheels drawn by poor animals and more recently by some puffing beings that seem to move only when they excrete.

Why whoever left of human beings had to slay other trees...

The contrast between the efforts to protect the "endangered" trees on one hand and slaying them on the other..

The obvious speed at which the time flies..

The haste and frivolousness around which the world revolves at the present times ...

The smiles that have turned into frowns irrespective of the comforts..

The confounding search of something that people seem to be always after something irrespective of the comforts that have been acquired over years of development of mankind. I guess the trees would be as confused as we are as to what we are after..

The lack of grand fathers accompanying kids to school telling the kids the legends and folklore passing on the pearls of wisdom..

The lack of peace and omnipresent haggle..

Abundance of advertisements for fitness tactics and slimming techniques..

And many more..

I do agree that some of them are essential changes that need to happen. But many of us do not live a life that is fulfilling. May be, that is something we need to awaken to. May be spend a little less time online and more with people and care a little for the earth that is bearing the burden of experiments of man kind.


Mega said...

Nice thought from you. Wisdom is in forests and in trees. Trees are patient and silent. If they can speak and laugh, no one would step out of home..