What if..

10:59 PM

  • What if we are all nice people in the world? Will be able to appreciate that someone is actually nice?
  • What if we are all alike in the world? Would we still ill treat and kill people for a different reason other than racism?
  • What if Man is the not at the top of food chain? Would we still be concerned about perishing animals and near-extinct being?
  • What if we are all taught at school to respect the people we live with, the earth , the sky and whatever we come into contact with, instead of scientific reasons behind things? Will situation be different now?
  • What if there are no expectations on us? Will life be easy?
  • What if there is no such thing as 'success'? Will there be struggles and sacrifices to capture the monstrous mirage?
  • What if we have multiple lives to choose from? Will we still be unhappy and unsatisfied?
  • What if someone actually creates life? Would we still believe in God and fight in his name?
  • What if war and diseases are God-made instead of man-made? Has He done that as a means of control for human population?
  • What if all that we see - different forms of lives, all phenomena - natural and artificial, started as accident and all that is happening is for setting it right? Will all this perish at some point?


Mega said...

What if we stop thinking ? :)) ..